From my experience the weapons are either balanced or underpowered, which i'll be looking over the underpowered ones

'Akbar' - The weapon has been nerfed too hard after the tier drop, not only is it outclassed by the rest of the T3 weapons but some T2 have similar performance, needs a damage increase.

'Tempest' - It's really bad, one of the least used weapons in the game that being because of it's terrible ammo efficiency due to the low damage output (for a pistol)

'Quicksilver' - There are cheaper alternatives like the Deagle or the Stabber that have similar performance, clearly underpowered for a T4 weapon, should have its damage increased or 'takes half the ammo' stat.

'Hephaestus' Tau Cannon - Not having to reload and offering the ability to charge shots can be really beneficial, even with that the weapon struggles to deliver enough DPS compared to the rest of the T5 weapons, simply having it deal full headshot damage should make it decent (since what was mentioned makes it special in a way)

M2 Carbine - I think the majority agrees that this weapon sucks, making it use AR rounds should have it on par with the rest of the T5 weapons (less firerate than the Scar and accuracy on full auto, no pulse point multiplier like the Adonis)

    7 days later

    I don't really know much about the rest of these but I tried tau cannon the other day, and it seemed pretty nice. It does lack on DPS a bit but the ability to charge shots and not reload is great for making pushes out of the cade, and prevents zombies from taking advantage of reloading in lower population situations. I'll try it out a bit more today if I can.

      erdf I've forwarded this post to Tuck so we can maybe get some feedback on these suggestions.

        You do make some good points that I will look into like the Akbar, Quicksilver, and M2 Carbine. For the Tempest and Hephaestus though, i do feel they are in a good state. In terms of the Tempest, I've buffed that weapon in the past multiple times and I can say that it can output massive damage but missing a few bursts can add up fast because of how pistol ammo is balanced.

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