Was thinking a bit more about this today. Surveyor is honestly too weak to fulfill the role of a runner boss, unless the h team is completely incompetent. You are too slow to even attempt a kill unless a human is low hp. The dps is incredibly lacking, because he attacks slowly as well (weaker damage than a wraith, is supposed to be an actual boss). When people do fall for your bags, it means almost nothing. They almost always get out for free, and take half your health.
Honestly, I think you should revert surveyor. It is incredibly easy for people to outheal his damage, outspeed him, literally just not get killed because he doesn't deal enough damage before they phase into a cade... etc.
Now that people are more familiar with surveyor, I doubt it would be a problem if you reverted it.
I would say to keep the health change, but tbh surv gets shredded easily.