Powerfist was already very weak after it got nerfed, because of the long delay after missing a swing (brawler side effect) combined with horrible hitreg (might have something to do with range or size.) Hits usually don't connect with this weapon, so you tend to get the brawler fist attack delay more often than chain attack speed bonuses. This made it very punishing. Now, the reason why im speaking in past tense is because it got changed recently. It somehow became worse than before. At the moment, Powerfist deals 85 damage with brawler melee buff, and it swings much slower than before. For a Tier 4, this is absolutely horrible. Any sane melee main never picked this weapon in the first place because of how bad it was after the initial nerf, but now it is absolute garbage for its tier. Please do something with it. It desperately needs a heavy buff. If you don't believe me, try it out for yourself, or ask a melee main.