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Redeemer Class
Some Suggestions I want to make after Redeeming.
1. Spawn at a Generator. This should've been a no-brainer decision when making the ability, far to often you spawn at a random part of the map and die before you can make it to a cade, which ruins the 4 kill reward.
2. More Perks. Backpeddler should be included so you can shoot players trying to attack you on late waves, not having this ability lessens your chance of survival. The Redeemer class should be a reward, not a "Second Chance" Including speed perks would also help alot
3. Include a Hammer. Say you redeem late wave 5 and are in the middle of nowhere as I mentioned before. Without a hammer, you are unable to make a cade for yourself to even be able to survive, much less without speed perks and being an easy target.
Honestly, I believe the same thing...