Some features to polish the server which I think will be greatly appreciated by the community:
Prop quick snapping command to instantly snap a prop to a certain angle without having to use the world geometry which can get frustrating, other servers have it so why not here (something like fwkzt_qsnap 'degree')
Not having deployables collide with players and props: It's annoying having turrets block a good shooting angle or misplaced deployables taking surface on a cading spot, which sometimes their owner refuses to pack them.
An overhaul to giving items system: It's irritating having your items stolen when trying to pass it or having to constantly 're-lock' into the other human to get it to work, instead have a tab appears showing players in range which can be clicked on to pass the item.
Medics chasing injured humans: Add the ability to press R while holding a medical item aimed on an injured human to show them an indicator to the medics position, as well playing a "Take this medkit" voiceline.