NOTE - Idk anything about the technical side of gmod so yeah
zs_krustykrab_v4 - This map is fun because of the unique props and the space allocated. Because there is a wide zspawn and a climbable sign (only by fleshcreeper), zombies have many options. For instance, if the zombies are being relentlessly camped, a flesh creeper can do a 180 from zspawn and jump to behind the chum bucket and build a nest, forcing the shooters to advance on the sides. From then on, the zombies have the option of (A) Going wraith while the humans advance and waiting behind the corner of the chum bucket, or going to the krusty krab, (B) Going Fleshcreeper and building a nest ontop of the krusty krab using the sign pixelwalk) Or C (Building a nest behind the krusty krab) Because the zspawn is wide and open, it allows for the zombies to be creative.
It can be argued that the map is very hsided because of the zspawn, however as previously mentioned, the fact that it is wide and is not inside of a building allows for creativity to take place. Furthermore, you can propkill with krabby patties AND once u build a nest ontop of the krusty krab, if there is a shark cage inbetween the doors and the front cade which on high pop there frequently is, you can attack the top of the shark cage, or even kill humans if it is uncaded. Even if there is no sharkcage there, it is a highly popular spot for humans to stand. This map is extremely volatile due to the zspawn in combination with the whacky props, multiple entrances, and skycading spots. (which makes every round unique and fun)
ZE_SANTASSINATION - this map has lots of downhills so beginners can learn bhopping and there are also npcs that attack you and take X amount of hp to kill so it encourages 1/2 the team to shoot the zombies and the other 1/2 to shoot the npcs, so that encourages teamwork.
old pub - this map i likey idk about other ppl i just put it here because I like the open space and the cold atmosphere of the map.
hellarch - god tier zspawn (YOU CAN WRAP AROUND AS ZOMBIE OR FLESHCREEPER) have fun pushing the car, lots of depth to this map such as there being a hole in the truck u can jump through to get to the bridge, attic and basement, playground behind zspawn that isnt noticed much.
fogvillage amazing zspawn (YOU CAN WRAP AROUND AS ZOMBIE OR FLESHCREEPER) good atmosphere, good buildings, playground slide u can throw as shade, fun to cade.
natalyas ship - this map very EPIC AND UNIQUE because of the EPIC drivable boats.