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Zombie Survival Rules
Cheating will result in a permanent ban without warning.
No exploiting, please report any exploits to the staff and developers.
No inappropriate language or topics discussing anything illegal or considered too extreme for younger audiences.
No harassment or discrimination towards peoples beliefs or sexuality.
No advertising/recruiting for other online communities via links in text chat or voice chat.
No excessive mic spam or chat spam; this includes soundboards and annoying noises.
No trolling team-mates: This includes destroying props, or generally being a nuisance.
As of 2/2/2024, we've gone ahead and redefined the rules in order to make it absolutely clear on what is and what isn't allowed on the FWKZT ZS server.
As of 5/11/24, a new way of claiming generators was added, so a small amendment to the rules was made regarding it.
1: Backseat Moderating and Starting Drama. Backseat moderating is telling us how to do our job or assuming you could do it better. Causing Drama or stirring the proverbial pot, is saying something normally completely irrelevant that would be controversial to even bring up, yet is said anyways in order to cause issues. Bringing up banned members, talking about drama or past issues with any other servers, and/or complaining about things just for the sake of complaining to bait others into bringing these past problems back up.
2: Overstacking. We will no longer be enforcing the overstacking rule now that there are game imposed penalties for doing so. This does not mean toxic behavior will not be punished appropriately.
3: Toxic Zmaining. This is something we have loosely defined since we wanted to give our staff room to determine if it even actually occurred. No longer will it be as loosely defined. If you are zmaining to; Change maps, force wave 1 wipes, doing it after stealing all the loot on the map wave 0, throw the match, or show any lack of sportsmanship (doing it just to kill a bunch of new players, doing it because you're salty) during any given round, you will be punished accordingly. (Appropriate Bans). We will not tolerate arguing over what you THINK the given rules are. They are set in stone now. If you have an issue, feel free to make a ticket but if you show aggression or negative attitudes in your dealings with our VOLUNTEER staff team, you will face harsher consequences or will be ignored.
4: Boss trolling. Boss trolling is a case by case basis and we will handle it as such. Someone going a bad boss who doesn't know anything can say they don't know but then ignored z team asking them to not do so.
5: Boss Hogging will also be added back in the system, but people will be subject to the a rule where you will only be able to go boss if you haven't already been boss. Intentionally killing yourself to keep going boss will result in a boss ban.
6: Punishment Decay. We will also have "Punishment Decay". Punishment Decay is when your punishment has happened so long ago, it should be considered irrelevant. If you overstacked once 3 months ago, you shouldn't get a 1 hour ban or even a 30 minute if you did it again. We will just talk to you like a human being and request that you simply be careful. That being said, if you went on the server and started spewing the most racist, bigoted, sexist things and kept going, you can be sure your permanent gag and/or permanent mute will not be appealed as it is a permanent punishment and is not subject to punishment decay.
7: Claiming Generators. When you join a round of ZS, it's been an unspoken but known rule that when you wish to claim a generator as one you would like to claim, you just spoke the letter that corresponded to the generator. This means that no one else, except people you designate as a helper (or direct admin intervention), can move anything in that generator area without your say. Doing so can result in punishments ranging from short zlists, up to bans for team trolling. The only time someone can take a generator over once it's been claimed is when someone has unclaimed it, or the original claimant has died. It's okay to "hold" a gen for someone who's joining, but you must be ready to cade it if that person doesn't show up. It is not an excuse to refuse to cade a gen only because you were holding it, as that responsibility will then fall upon the claimant's shoulders. If someone wishes to not claim it, the claimant must either give up the claim or find an alternate person to claim the gen in a timely manner.
8: Sky/Hellcading. As it stands, the only time sky/hellcading is against the rules is when it is done in a way that becomes impossible for z team to even touch without wasting a boss, it also cannot require zombies to suicide in order to hit a hell/skycade, and must have a viable angle for ranged options (Shields cannot block every angle on the cade). The other rule we have in place is that we ask that skycades do not steal props from generators, or from areas near generators that do not have many props to begin with and those generators would need those props to survive. If a generator is ENTIRELY abandoned by the h team or goes completely unclaimed by the end of wave 1, then the props in that generator are free to use by people wanting to commit to previously mentioned alternative cading styles.
As a final note, the administrative and moderation staff are here to help, but their decision is final, so please respect that.
You can appeal any punishment @