what you need is
+1 Stone
+1 Plant
+1 Tickler strings [ new item ] <--- will be explained soon!!!
and a new item implemented by a new boss drop
the boss drop will be from the tickle monster when the tickle gets killed it will drop his {Stretchy fingers}
you will use his Stretchy Rubber like Fingers as a tethering string and use it to create a sledge hammer
This sledge hammer will be as strong as the stone but has a fast swing like the plank
and can have a multiple path for remantleing path one skull buster headshots kill instantly
Path 2 power bash like a ground pound the flings zombies back and gives them a temporary slow effect
giving you time to get away [ground pound could obviously be abused so maybe a cool down counter should be applied] and i know it seems way too over powered BUT!!! this is apply able to THIS SERVER IN PARTICULAR
BECAUSE no one really goes tickle until Every survivor is stuck inside the cade so it mainly can be a risk and reward killing item